Last weekend we attended the Little Rock Foundation Annual Children's Holiday Party. Well, Camille attended while I worked registration, so I didn't get the chance to take a lot of photos. And, unfortunately, most of the photos I took did not come out too well. Oh well, There is always next year.
Camille "helped" Frank the doorman greet the guests
(for about 15 minutes before she headed into the game room!)

Camille was picked to participate in the magic show.
Here she is on stage getting a rainbow balloon hat.

The magician John, is on stage inside the giant red balloon.
Bet you can't find Camille in this photo... Ha ha!

We met a family through the foundation who has twin boys (one is blind, the other is VI) The boys have a 4 year old sister named Alison. Alison and Camille get along royally!

Camille's rainbow balloon hat!

It was a really fun day! This coming weekend there are more parties planned. A princess party tonight (mostly for mommies, called "Drop & Shop" - you get the picture!), a 5th birthday party for Dakota and the Chinese School Holiday party. I am sure that by Monday, we'll all be pooped!