Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday Family FotoFun Challange - Sleeping Babies

This has to be my favorite sleeping photo...

First night with us in China... we imagined she stretched out because it was the first time she had her own crib.

A nap on the couch at home.

Our dalmatian, Rockie, was a great napping buddy.

Unfortunately, she passed in July 2006. We miss her dearly.

These are all special photos... we are quite fond of them.


Donna said...

Awwww! Sooo cute!


Basket full o' Plums said...

ACK!! Stories of fur babies passing immediately makes tears form in my eyes. I lost my dear, sweet, best cat ever, Bobby, years ago and still cry about him. Sorry about your dog. HOWEVER..CUTE CUTE CUTE sleeping baby!!
(followed link from "double happiness)


R&H said...

I love the sleeping dog and baby picture, so adorable!