Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You've come a long way baby!

All of this activity with Jon Paul really has me thinking a lot about Camille's adoption and her humble beginnings. This photo was taken at the hotel in Hong Kong the night before we flew back to the US. I had honestly forgotten how thin and frail my sweet girl was. We had been a family now for only about 10 days, but look at how happy she had become! So filled with loved! This photo makes me sad to look at now. She was very ill, and we didn't even know it until we got home.

But God is great, and today she is a happy, healthy, NORMAL, five-year-old who suffers no ill effects from her turbulent beginnings. Thank you, God, for this wonderful child, this wonderful gift!

1 comment:

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

She has come a long way, baby!