Monday, December 21, 2009

A little out of order but...

At Thanksgiving this year, both Kindergarten classes at Camille's school had a traditional Thanksgiving Feast. The Pilgrims and Native Americans (you are no longer allowed to call them "Indians") got together and put on a program. I was not able to attend the celebration, but I found these photos on the school website and could not help but share them on the blog... looks like everyone had a great time! Camille was a pilgrim girl... (I believe I posted a photo from home in an eariler post in November) Enjoy...

Camille delivers her lines from the program into the microphone as her friend Kevin looks on...
Father John and Camille's classmates enjoy the meal.

Prayers (so cute!)

1 comment:

Lori Lynn said...

How cute they all are! I was so impressed with our daugter's KG class as well. They did a lot more Thanksgiving activities that I did when I was in KG and I still remember that time fondly.