My friend Deb cross-stitched a beautiful wall hanging and my friend Maureen hand-painted a table and chairs. Both of these items were shower gifts. My very talented mother made this quilt, by hand. It is now the covering on the "big-girl" bed.
Apart from the addition of the big-girl bed and and a few more wall hangings including a poster of the Disney Princesses and cross-stitch of a ballet class that my mother actually did for my room 26 years ago, the room hasn't really changed. I don't know why I thought Camille might like bunnies until she went off to college... I guess that was asking a little too much!
So, plans are underway for a "Ballerina big-girl room". I suspect it's going to take some time to 'transition'. My father hung the GHMILY wallpaper and border, so I think if it comes down (someday) I'm probably on my own. It was a labor of love. In the mean time, Camille asked Mimi (my mother) for a ballerina quilt. I'm glad that Camille is becoming a strong individual with her own tastes and opinions, but it does make me sad sometimes, that my "Little Nut Brown Hare" is growning up. I will always "Love you to the moon... and back".