Sunday, May 04, 2008


Church is a big part of our lives. Mike is the music minister for the mass every Sunday at 11:00 AM. In the summer he plays for 2 masses, the 11:00 AM and 9:30 AM since the choir does not meet.

Camille loves church. We started bring her to mass at St. Francis the very first Sunday that we brought her home. She also loves to help out, and she bugged our priests so much for a job that Fr. Ed finally gave her one. She is in charge of bringing the prayer basket from the alter to the back of the church so it can be taken up to the alter with the gifts during mass. She is very serious about this job. And she does a wonderful job!
Camille carefully takes the prayer basket from the alter and carries it back to the church.
Camille and Mrs. Ross light a candle for Camille's decease Grandmother.
Then Camille says a prayer.

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