Friday, June 08, 2007

Friday Family FotoFun Challenge - Messy

This was taken at a tex-mex restaurant last summer when we discovered that
Camille loves nachos! (I know, why bother with the bib?)

Finger painting, at our house, is an OUTSIDE activity....

But it sure is A LOT of FUN!

What a happy MESS!


Stacey said...

To cute... So tell me just what are the bibs for anyway??

polkadot said...

LOL, Stacey, I was about to post the same thing -- what's the point of a bib?! Just strip her down, and pass the fork. Or not...

Donna said...

Wowzers!!! Now THAT'S a mess! But happy one!



insanemommy said...

My girls haven't had the pleasure of experiencing the "ribs" yet... Looks like she enjoyed though...

park it said...

OT- the post with the backpack - stroller - can you please tell me the name of it - and what is the child weight limit???
This looks like it would be great...

Amy said...

That art photo is pretty cool!

mommy24treasures said...

wow that is certainly what I would call MESSY! :)

Sophie's Mom said...

Oh my, the painting pictures are crazy cute! Great pictures!