Ah... a great debate indeed. How young is too young for "big bed" (we're not talking cheesy toddler bed here) and how old is too old for the crib?
Camille is almost 3 years old. (34 months to be exact, but I stopped aging her in months after she turned 2. Just seemed silly to me... afterall, you wouldn't say your 12 year old is 144 months, right? But I digress...)
Camille hasn't ever tried to climb out of her crib. She's just not a climber. She hasn't ever asked about a "big bed" and she seems uninterested whenever we bring it up. I was planning to transition Camille to a regular bed around her third birthday, but now I am not so sure. What's the rush. I figure as long as she is comfortable in her crib, she might as well stay there. It'll probably only be a problem if she wants to bring her crib along to her Harvard dorm room Freshman year :o)

Comments welcome.