Saturday, June 30, 2007


Today Camille had a play-date with her best friend Hannah. Hannah's family has a big pool in their backyard. (Well by family pool standards it's small, but it's much bigger than Camille's wading pool.) It's big enough for the who family as you can see. Camille is swimming with Hannah, Hannah's Mommy and their Yorkie, Mal.

Camille's "float suit" gave her a little extra confidence in the water and everyone had a great time!

Friday, June 29, 2007

The Final Friday Family FotoFun Challange - Take my breath away photos

This will be our final FFFF Challange. The originator of FFFF Challange has elected to password protect her website since one of her daughters reached her third birthday. Her younger daughter will be three in August. Since we only know Donna and her family through the internet and not in "real" life, we are not privy to her password. Camille and I will miss our "virtual friends."

So this is our final challange... Photos that I took that took my breath away when I saw them... Here are my top 2, judge for yourself.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Family FotoFun Challange - Giddy-up!

We haven't taken the plunge to the "real" horse yet... but afterall, Cami is only 2!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Too big for a crib?

Ah... a great debate indeed. How young is too young for "big bed" (we're not talking cheesy toddler bed here) and how old is too old for the crib?

Camille is almost 3 years old. (34 months to be exact, but I stopped aging her in months after she turned 2. Just seemed silly to me... afterall, you wouldn't say your 12 year old is 144 months, right? But I digress...)

Camille hasn't ever tried to climb out of her crib. She's just not a climber. She hasn't ever asked about a "big bed" and she seems uninterested whenever we bring it up. I was planning to transition Camille to a regular bed around her third birthday, but now I am not so sure. What's the rush. I figure as long as she is comfortable in her crib, she might as well stay there. It'll probably only be a problem if she wants to bring her crib along to her Harvard dorm room Freshman year :o)

Comments welcome.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday Family FotoFun Challange - Love

Who do YOU love?

For more FFFF check out Donna's Website

Friday, June 08, 2007

Friday Family FotoFun Challenge - Messy

This was taken at a tex-mex restaurant last summer when we discovered that
Camille loves nachos! (I know, why bother with the bib?)

Finger painting, at our house, is an OUTSIDE activity....

But it sure is A LOT of FUN!

What a happy MESS!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Pool time!

Camille has always loved the water. We bought a baby pool before we went to China, knowing that we would be bringing home a baby during the July/August hot and humid weather of South Jersey. This weekend we brought out a new baby pool. I love to look back at then and now.
Then: Summer 2005

Now: Summer 2007

Friday, June 01, 2007

Friday Family FotoFun Challange - Stroller

We took this stroller to China (Doesn't Camille look just thrilled to be in it?

It doubled as a backpack. It was a Godsend in China... especially in Guangzhou where the streets are mostly cobble...
Not exactly a stroller, but a fun way to travel with Mommy!