Thursday, July 30, 2009

Model Shish

Follow the link to discover the lastest work found on the internet.
Just click HERE

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

School Uniforms

Yes, it's still July, but we already had our "day" to purchase school uniforms. I was under the impression that the uniforms had to be ordered (hence the reason for going to the uniform shop so early... try-on uniforms, place the order and they would be delivered in time for the start of school) Much to my surprise, if they had it in-stock, you took it home. So here they are... modeled and posted early (mostly for Mimi! We love you Mimi!)
"Summer Uniform"
To be worn from the first day of school until mid-October then again sometime after Easter until the last day of school.
Summer Gym Uniform "Winter Uniform"
(This will include navy tights or knee socks, of course and is to be worn most of the year. )
Winter Gym Uniform
There is also a navy sweater, which we don't have yet... we'll buy one when we need it!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Remembering Rockie

Missing you today... and always...
March 17, 1992 - July 26, 2006
"...owning a dog always ended with this sadness because dogs just don't live as long as people do."
- John Grogan, Marley & Me

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Delaware State Fair

I used to be very involved with the Delaware State Fair. When I was little I was involve in 4-H, then in high school, I was an exhibitor with the FFA and later in college I showed dairy cattle at the fair for U of D. I would spend all week in Harrington at the fair, and my parents would come down to see my exhibits or watch me show cattle or compete in whatever competition or exibition I was doing at the time. When I graduated from college, my involvement in the fair ended, but my father still likes to go every year. (Incidently, my mother does not... it's usually very hot and smelly at the fair; not my my mom's scene at all!) So, I still take a day to go down each year with my dad. In recent years, since we've adopted Camille, it's been more fun... kids make the going to the fair more fun! I didn't bring my camera this year, but I did capture one shot on my cell phone... We had a fun day!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Camille's Billboard...

Camille did a commercial and photo shoot for Goddard School back in December 2007. (Note: She is not, nor has she ever been a student at Goddard school. She did this work through a talent agency) A colleague of mine spotted this billboard near the train station and we thought it would be fun to have a photo of it for posterity.

A Day at Longwood Gardens with Auntie Laura

Lots to explore and lots of fun!

Today is the fourth anniversary of the BEST day of our lives...

Happy Gotcha Day, Camille! We love you to the moon... and back!

Friday, July 03, 2009


Remember this? This was my all-time, favorite little sundress. An American flag dress from Osh Kosh I picked up from the outlets for a song. Camille wore it all the time and somehow, dispite the fact that it was mostly white, I managed to keep it really clean! These photos were taken on 4th of July 2006, a little more than month before Camille turned 2. The dress is size 18 month and it was just a tad big on her, but I loved it!

Flash forward 3 years, July 2009. As you can see I held on to that little dress. Again this year, Camille has a dress for 4th of July (those of you keep up with the blog know that wearing pant and shorts are an on-going battle of wills and dresses and skirts are the preferred attire in Camille's world) Camille is riding her bike in the 4th of July parade again this year. It's not easy to ride a bike in a dress and I dispite my love of all things Americana, I don't have a t-shirt for her to wear! No matter, everything old is new again! Out comes the THE DRESS! Thank heaven for skinny girls! Doesn't it make a perfect top! Yay!