Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I <3 Faces - Hats!

Here's my entry for the kid's catagory, taken at the Delaware State Fair last year...

And here's my entry for the adult catagory, taken at Camille's 4th birthday party, left to right her "Bop" (my dad) "Zayde" (Mike's dad) and her dad... the "Three kings" all there for the princess' big day! Maybe not a winner, but too funny not to share for the hat theme!


Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

That's a beautiful cowgirl you've got there! Love that her cowboy hat is pink!


Katt said...

Your Cowgirl is adorable!! What Daddy's do for their little girls...your adult photo is priceless...love it!

Alesha said...

Love the cowgirl hat and adults, too fun....

jennifer said...

both of these are a crack up!

Deidra said...

I love the Three Kings!