Friday, March 13, 2009


Family Foto Fun Friday is back! We haven't participated in a while, not because I haven't wanted to, but because, for one reason or another, we just haven't been able to. This week's theme is "My Former Years" (meaning "me" as in Faye, the blog author, not Camille). And, of course, if you're a blogger too and you'd like to participate in the fun, just click the blue box below and it will take you to my friend Diana's blog:


Here's my photos, the ones I have scanned in. I know Diana used a lot of school photos. My mother still has all of mine at her house. I'll have to get some of mine from her... one of these days! I was able to dig these up from some old scrapbooks.

Maybe age 4 or 5 here?
Not sure on this one... looking at my teeth (0r the lack of, we're probably 6 or 7)

Banquet - I was a cheerleader for my brother's football team, but I would have rather played football! I was 9 in this photo.

4th Grade Class Photo
Little League Softball Team8th Grade Basketball (Student's vs. Staff game... that's me shooting)

1 comment:

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

Looking good! Love all the pics. I saw that class pic on FB and cracked up!! I should find a class pic and add it.

Ready for high school pics next week????