On Friday Camille attended Kassiani's 5th Birthday Party at the Little Gym. She had a ball... unfortunately, I did not have my camera. I did have my cell phone though and I was glad it had a camera, because I want my baker to do a cake like this for Camille's party...

This cake is made entirely out of cupcakes. We did a cupcake birthday cake for Camille's 2nd birthday party and it worked out so well. There is no cutting, you just simply let each kid grab a cupcake! Since Camille is having a princess theme party, I thought this would be the perfect design to have my baker copy for her cake.
On Saturday, Camille attended Tessa's 5th Birthday party. It was also a princess theme party. Donna and the girls made the castle themselves out of refridgerator boxes... That Donna is so clever!