So Camille is turning 6 in a few days. (SIX? Where did the time go? Didn't we just bring home a tiny 11 month old baby last week?)
We're having a small family party for her on Saturday and will probably celebrate her birthday with a "kid" party in September, after her friends are back at school. I have been completely overwhelmed with Mike being away, remodeling the kitchen, starting a new job at work, trying to find a replacement... it's been horrible. I just haven't had time to even
think about a birthday party, much less
plan one. It's also difficult when your birthday is in the summer. Families are on vacation and you don't have much contact with your friends. School starts September 8th, so I figure by the end of September, the kids will be ready for a little party.
Camille's birthday wish list includes
"Sophie" the Liv* doll and a fish tank for her room that her Zayde promised her if it was okay with me. The list is not long because we don't go whole-hog on gifts for birthdays and Camille knows it. In addition, I imagine Camille will get a few things for school; some new school uniform clothing and some school supplies. A definite plus (or minus) to having a birthday just before school starts! :)