I haven't posted in a while because, quite frankly, there has not been anything to post about. We've had the winter 'blahs' complete with viral colds and one sinus infection (me...yuck!) Camille did enjoy Valentine's Day and came home with 12 cute little Valentines... one from each of her classmates + one from her teacher. We played "Valentines Day" for almost a week, distributing the Valentines to Mommy, Daddy and a variety of stuffed animals. Aside from drawing and coloring, Camille loves to play school. The 2 little girls that live right across the street from us have been frequent visitors. I love it when they come over to play. They are very nice little girls and it makes our house seem so full of life!
Today Camille starts ice skating lessons. She is very excited and hopes the ice skating coach will be able to teach her how to jump and spin. I reminded her that will take a lot of practice and she will need to be patient. Her class is called
Snowplow Sam and includes membership in the US Figure Skating Association.
So, that is what has been going on here. I will try to post again whent there is something to post! In the mean time, have a beautiful week.